Kieran Docherty's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: BGCP Reviews: 7
6.5Avg. Review Rating

Bill & Ted Go to Hell #1

Feb 19, 2016

There really isn't a lot more to be said without spoiling things so to sum up in one word; Bill and Ted Go To Hell is EXCELLENT!

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Ghostbusters International #1

Jan 27, 2016

There's a lot a Ghostbusters comic book should be and most of it is missing from Ghostbusters International. The story might end up going somewhere pretty cool if the last two pages are anything to go by but the classic Ghostbusters feeling is entirely missing from the dialogue. My main problem is that they've settled on the character art and can't change it now which, given how distracting it was, means this is a series I won't be following.

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Gutter Magic #1

Jan 12, 2016

This is the best comic I've read in a while and I'm genuinely excited for the next issue.

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Gutter Magic #3

Mar 10, 2016

The key takeaway from issue #3 is that Gutter Magic continues to be excellent. It's thrilling and effortlessly cool. It's a real shame that there's only one more issue to go in this series. The more the better. This could easily develop into a long running title and would translate so easily into either a live action TV show or movie that it would be a real shame to stop after issue #4.

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Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain #1

Dec 30, 2015

There's not quite enough in the story alone to get me super excited about the next issue but I could definitely get on board for another outing with this eclectic crew. Mass mainstream appeal? Perhaps not, but given the last few pages there's a great opportunity to attract the gaze of some Avengers fans going forward. All the right players are there and the setting is fun, it's just a matter of tightening the story. A solid, entertaining and well balanced first outing for the new Pathfinder title. Hollow, it is not.

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Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #1

Dec 15, 2015

Overall, the first issue of Starfleet Academy plays its cards close to the chest as far as the direction the series will go but there's enough here to make me want to read more. Any flaws in artwork are forgivable when matched up with the familiar chemistry we've seen before between Kirk, Spock and Uhura. The new team is your standard rag-tag crew who have to find a way to work together despite their differences and you get the feeling there's the potential for them to go a few different directions depending on how they choose to get along with one another " or not! If the familiar characters continue to interact as they have in this issue with the new faces following suit, this could be a great arc to follow

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Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #3

Feb 10, 2016

It's not clear where the story is going but I think it's pretty essential that in the next issue or two we see the new crew hook up with the familiar faces of the Enterprise. If not that then we need to see more character development for the new team outside of T'laan. I'm hoping for the former. It's the only way to guarantee people keep picking up Starfleet Academy.

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