Kirsty Hunter's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Big Comic Page Reviews: 9
7.6Avg. Review Rating

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #13

Jul 31, 2015

If youre a Who fan and you havent given this series a go, you are seriously missing out.

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Help Us! Great Warrior #6

Jul 29, 2015

The series is an all-ages title and as such is very light fare, a fluffy cup-cake rather than a hefty comic meal, but its simplicity is deceptive. Help Us Great Warrior has much to say about how to be heroic. Sometimes its about punching demons in the butt of course, but its also about taking care of yourself. The Great Warrior constantly approaches challenges on her own terms, and though like all heroes she has her spidey-no-more moments, her underlying self-belief helps her overcome these crises of confidence. She strongly values her friendships and these are a key part of her success. The cutesy style will cause some readers to dismiss it off-hand and its a better fit for younger comic book fans but its a charming diversion with a great message that you can be strong and girly.

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Rasputin #7

Jul 29, 2015

The comic plays fast and loose with the admittedly hazy biographical details of Rasputins life, but in a way that makes perfect sense for a figure that is more legend than man. This months issue ends on a brilliant tease thats left me hungry to see how Rasputins timeline play will tear up and play with existing history. Ending on Grigoris declaration, Im an American now, the series is owning its dramatic departure from historical lore, adapting, chameleon-like to its new setting just like our hero.

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Rasputin #8

Aug 26, 2015

As much as I've enjoyed these past couple of issues, I'm really excited to see the focus expand a little to explore Rasputin's rule in the contemporary politics of the comic. Especially as we know he has a serious amount of influence with the Governor, and an inherited need for notoriety and power. I can't wait to see what his agenda is beyond managing the secrecy of his complicated past. Rasputin is definitely one of my favourite ongoing series and always on the top of my reading pile. It takes it's mad premise and runs with it in a way that is smart and gorgeously executed. This was a slightly slower and more retrospective episode of the story, but completely central to Grigori's character and well worth picking up.

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Rat Queens #12

Sep 17, 2015

In classic Rat Queens style, even the more perilous moments are balanced out by plenty of snark and some wonderfully terrible cave graffiti – as well as genuine heartfelt moments between the queens. Wiebe has fleshed out these characters so well that an issue of Rat Queens feels like a night of beer and DnD with your besties, the ones that you know that gross thing you did that one time and are okay with it. Sadly adult life doesnt always allow as much time as youd like to raid dungeons with the gang, Rat Queens is definitely the next best way to get your fix.

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The Wicked + The Divine #13

Aug 5, 2015

Each issue of The Wicked + the Divine is a brilliant reminder of why it inspires such hysterical devotion from its fans, and why it can afford to risk that by making such bold and risky decisions. Let's be honest, the only other property that can get away with wantonly murdering so many of its best characters is Game of Thones, and WicDiv does it much better. As much as I'm missing Laura (and as always, Luci) the series has so much to say while having a damn good time doing it that I, for one, remain devout.

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Velvet #11

Aug 16, 2015

Issue #11 is a great tease for the arc to come, letting you glimpse just enough of the web of deception that surrounds Templeton without ever giving to much away. The final image of our heroine poised in the shadows shows her as caught in the midst of larger forces, but also very much in control. Thankfully, with poisoned lipstick in hand, she's more than equipped to deal with whatever The Game throws at her, and with such gorgeous art and smart writing, I'll definitely be along for the ride.

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Voltron: From the Ashes #1

Sep 15, 2015

I will caveat my review by saying youll need to have certain tastes to enjoy this particular comic. It is, after all, stupendous nonsense. Luckily for me, however, stupendous nonsense is right up my alley. Its a playful introduction to a series that promises fun and lots of cheddar to chomp down on. If you need some light relief after a hard days work, this is the one for you.

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Wolf #2

Aug 19, 2015

One of my favourite elements of the comic is the way that the setting comes across so strongly, it's very much as important to the narrative as any of the characters and just as distinctive. LA " a city already defined by its unreality " is the perfect setting for a story focused on myth. It just seems like you're peeling back the skin of the city to reveal the nastiness crawling underneath. This world doesn't seem entirely alien, just particularly focused on the unusual details that most people prefer to ignore" like the swirling dead being carried away into the sky by the Santa Ana winds.

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