Kyle Rivest's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Word Of The Nerd Reviews: 4
6.5Avg. Review Rating

New Warriors (2014) #1

Feb 21, 2014

New Warriors #1 is a bland, uninteresting book. I put the issue down with no inclination to learn what comes of the big threat, or how these characters are going to come together, overcome their differences and learn to work together as a team. Or whatever other tired trope is going to be wheeled out and stretched to fill the remaining five issues of the six-issue introductory arc.

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The Fuse #1

Feb 14, 2014

The Fuse #1 is a really strong start to the series. It lays just enough ground work to get you interested in the characters and their circumstances. The setting is interesting, and so far it's very well thought out. I'm interested to see Johnston expand upon the station and the cast of characters. This story arc is subtitled The Russia Shift, referring specifically to the hours worked by the protagonists, and I'm curious to see if the book will continue to focus on them, or if later arcs will feature other shifts. Regardless, The Fuse is worth a look.

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The Joyners in 3D #1

Feb 24, 2014

The masterful application of 3D is worthy of praise in and of itself, but it's complemented by skilful writing. The Joyners In 3D is a beautiful book that tells a sad story. It draws you in, and despite its length, doesn't drag. You want to know what happens to these characters, and how the events of the book will have changed them by the time it's ended.

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The Royals: Masters Of War #1

Feb 14, 2014

The Royals: Masters of War is a title with an interesting concept which could benefit from some further refinement. While issue one is not necessarily a bad book, it does suffer from devoting too many pages to focusing on a concept which could have been better thought out. I'm very curious to see where the story goes, but I wouldn't recommend it to others based on the strength of the first issue alone.

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