Lars Arboleda's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Spectrum Reviews: 1
9.0Avg. Review Rating

Batman (2011) #30

Apr 23, 2014

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's Batman run continues to be one of the brightest spots in the New 52. Despite the countless stories told about the caped crusader, this creative team has managed to deliver a fresh and modern take on the Batman mythos. And whether you like the idea behind Zero Year or not, you have to give Scott Snyder a lot of credit for the sheer boldness in deciding to do a re-imagining of Batman's origin story, even more so when you consider that it dares to retread the hallowed ground that is Frank Miller's Year One. And now that we're in the final act, I am honestly of the opinion that Zero Year is a classic in the making.

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