Luis Lobo's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: On Comics Ground Reviews: 3
8.1Avg. Review Rating

Justice League of America (2017) #1

Apr 22, 2017

So a fight breaks out like always as per comic books, and ends with atom thinking to himself that he's actually fighting with Batman and other heroes. But like that he gets captured and held hostage by Havok and is literally put on the chopping block to be executed. As the axe is about to be dropped Batman steps in and says to use him as an example instead. Then BAM its the end of issue one. I loved this issue for many reasons. The lineup is unique, the artwork is great, and the way they set up the team dynamic is amazing. You have three hero veterans, two rookies who think they aren't cut out to be part of the team, and two former villains, one who's an immortal BAMF. For those asking is it worth it to read it, go ahead, it'll pick up in issue 2.

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Star Wars: Darth Maul #1

Mar 7, 2017

All in all this was a great starting issue to one my favorite Star Wars characters of all time. The artwork was fantastic, giving the tone of anger, rage, and bloodlust. The storytelling is phenomenal, exploring the mind of a killer who is forced on a leash and told to wait, only wanting to fulfill his one purpose; the slaughter of Jedi. I recommend this issue to fans of Darth Maul and Star Wars in general.

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Teen Titans (2016) #9

Sep 12, 2017

The writing for Teen Titans has been phenomenal as always. The fact that we get Black Manta as the main villain for the arc is amazing and I like how DC has been doing that the past couple story arcs. My only issues have been 1) Damian Wayne aka Robin. For one I REALLY don't like Damian, and his decision to kick Wally from the team is a pouring salt in the wound. 2) The art, which isn't as bad as you'd think, but it makes certain characters look silly like Beast Boy and Robin. I'd prefer the art used the first issues of the series. Other than that the Blood of the Manta arc is off to a good start.

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