Melissa Voelker's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Word Of The Nerd Reviews: 1
9.0Avg. Review Rating

Fight Club 2 #1

Jun 5, 2015

Chuck Palahniuk is a master storyteller with a distinctive, disjointed, stream-of-consciousness style that lends itself well to a visual format. It may take two or three readings to truly grasp what is going on in each panel, and to make sure you didn't miss something important, but once you've got the gist of it you can see how the jumping around in time and place, interruptions of thought and dialogue, and awkward text give the story just the right feeling of jitteriness it needs. The narrator is crazy, no matter how many pills he takes or sessions he has with his therapist. By the end of reading this first issue in Fight Club 2, you'll feel a little crazy too.

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