Michael J. Smith's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Comic Addiction Reviews: 2
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Hotwire: Requiem for the Dead #2

Mar 25, 2009

Two issues into the miniseries and this book has hit a homerun both times. My only complaint is that like many of the smaller publishers these days there are three covers to choose from on this issue and it was a hard choice because they are all so good. Radical is relatively new to the marketplace and I am not sure how they will be about collecting their miniseries into trades but if you get a chance and are looking for something a little different this is one heck of a book where it is hard to go wrong and best yet $2.99 is the cover price. That is unheard of these days from one of the little guys.

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Proof #18

Mar 25, 2009

The cover is enough to let you know that when you open this book you are in for something a little different and frankly a little better than what you are use to seeing. The book delivers each time, every time, and has been on-time for 18 issues and counting. I am biased by my opinion of this book as it is my favorite on-going series on the market today; but with that said let’s return to the opening questions. Is it good? YES! What’s a good jumping on point? NOW!

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