Michael James's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Project Fandom Reviews: 9
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Birthright #9

Jul 26, 2015

Birthright amazes as a fantasy series; shocking us and destroying our ideas of how a story was supposed be told. It goes to that shadowy, yet magical, place in our minds, and this issue takes us further into that murky place where Mikey is being confronted for his corruption, the Nevermind, and fighting back; showing perhaps some of the hero is still left inside of him.

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Birthright #10

Aug 22, 2015

Everyone who is a fan of fantasy and would like a different take on the hero's journey will love this comic series and should not walk but run to your local comic store to pick up this amazing comic. It is well worth the read!

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Birthright #11

Nov 10, 2015

This was a small part of the much larger tapestry. We are to take away little bits from the mini story and remember them as the bigger story unfolds. Bressan was, as always, on point and the imagery of the ogres being ridden by dragons fighting other creatures was very cool. It was a great way to showcase the creatures that populate the land.

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Birthright #12

Jan 6, 2016

Outstanding issue. The fact that we are back into the main story and we got to check in with all of the parties involved, was an amazing and seamless juggling act. And then we have the twist at the end, which speaks to goes Williamson's great storytelling ability.The best of his writing was when Brennen and Mikey were having the discussion over why Mikey believes the mages are evil and what they did that was so bad on Terrenos. The back and forth was great, and the questions Brennen asked were exactly what I would have asked if I were going to risk my life for something I did not understandi.

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Birthright #13

Feb 1, 2016

This is a very good issue with an epic battle with our "hero" seemingly being defeated" again. We get a glimpse into what happened at the end and how Lore convinced Mikey into allowing the "Nevermind" into him. We also get Mikey's mindset as to why he wants to find the mages and kill them all. Other chess pieces were placed on the board, like Agent Kylen and his plan to capture Mikey and find out why he became an agent of Lore. And finally who is Mastema and what will happen to Wendy and Rya?

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Birthright #14

Mar 6, 2016

Good issue with a lot of character building and personal moments from Mikey, Brennan, and Aaron. The main purpose, however, was to set up what I hope is going to be our next big action sequence and overall story progression.

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Birthright #15

Mar 27, 2016

This was a great issue as far as surprises, the art, and writing is concerned. It may not have been as big of an issue as issue 12 with its twists and turns, but it was huge for Mikey's and Brennans storylines. The art was great and could tell the story on its own at times. Best examples being the Evolution of Mikey spread and the Spirit Smoke is out to get you! spread. The Spirit Smoke was probably one of the best in the series not because of the amount of detail (which there was plenty), but because of the movement of the scene. It takes the reader with the characters as it moves. The reader can almost feel themselves in the scene and how scared the men were as one by one they get picked off in fantastically different ways. So good! This was an amazing issue with new information and questions being posed, fantastic art, and what a surprising ending!

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Birthright #16

Jun 15, 2016

The art was the stand-out as it was - outside of the two page layout of the mage cave - subtle but so very good. Williamson says they are back for the next five months and it will be full of action, emotion, and reveals! I am so ready!

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Birthright #17

Jul 21, 2016

As always, both Williamson and Bressan are on point with both story and art as you are transported to this world of good and evil. I continue to love Bressan's use of capturing motion as he depicts action in fight sequences. And the panel he put together depicting Sameal and Enoch going medieval on some creatures from Terrenos was glorious.

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