Mike Annernio's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Big Comic Page Reviews: 8
6.8Avg. Review Rating

Flash (2016) #2

Jul 13, 2016

The Flash is definitely one of DCs best books out there right now and issue #2 is a testament to that. Coming from me thats saying something because I love basically everything that DC is pumping out right now, with The Flash being perhaps the most exciting, fun book of the bunch. Its not a perfect book, there are moments where the story falters a bit, but every time I thought that the book was going to completely fall it would pick itself back up with a fun line or a cool twist. DC is doing good right now and this book is one of the best examples of it. Ive said it before and Ill say it again, if you still havent picked up this book yet, do so immediately.

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Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1

Jun 8, 2016

This book is just one more reason why I can't wait for whatever DC brings next. It's been so long since I've been able to feel this giddy about DC comics each week, excited to jump into their universe every time. This issue is perfect for newcomers and a treat for fans, giving us The Flash we know and love while creating a new, yet familiar universe around him. It's such a weird juggling act that Williamson is able to pull off with such brilliance. This first issue is a gorgeous, fun intro to what I can only imagine is going to be a fantastic run. This is what comic book and superhero escapism is all about, that magic and wonder. I can't wait to see where they're going to go next.

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Kong of Skull Island #1

Jul 14, 2016

At the end of the day, is this book a total waste of time? No, not really. There are interesting ideas and a pretty cool set up for future issues, but its just not enough to make it anything special. It may not be a waste of your time, but is it worth your money? Is it worth going out of your way to pick up? No, not really. Its a lot of wasted potential, but thankfully this is only the first issue and they have 5 more to flesh out the world and story. Hopefully they can improve along the way and flesh out this lore to its full potential, because there really is potential for an interesting series here. I just hope that the 6-issue restraint isnt forcing them to rush a story that needs more room to breath. Only time will tell where this series will go, and Ill certainly be picking up next months issue, but as of right now this isnt exactly a Must Read title.

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The Fix #3

Jun 8, 2016

If you've been keeping up with The Fix, then this issue will certainly quench your thirst for more, but if you haven't started reading yet then you should immediately. The story is unpredictably crazy, the dialogue is hilarious, the characters are fun and the visuals are gorgeous. It's been so long since I've read an original idea that was so inspired and compelling to read. This is the type of book that will put a smile on your face the whole time. I can't recommend this book enough, no review on the internet can do justice to just how fun it is and I can't wait for the next issue.

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The Joyners #1

Jun 14, 2016

I could see how this book was pitched effectively, aiming to create a book set in a science fiction world but dealing with the human issues that plague people even today. Its an interesting approach, but it falls flat at almost everything. The designs are quaint and charming, teamed with colorful visuals to give me at least something pretty to look at. Aside from that, we have a book that is pointless and dull. This isnt a horrible book, but its just painfully lame. Ill completely forget that I even read this by next week, so suffice it to say that Im not exactly compelled to continue on with this 4-part series and neither should you.

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The Spire #8

Jun 14, 2016

It's safe to say that I love this series and I love this finale in particular. Since the beginning of this story I've been hooked and couldn't wait to see where the mysteries and characters went, with this issue giving me more than I could have ever asked for. There's a reason that The Spire was nominated for a 2016 Eisner Award, because Spurrier and Stokely have achieved something so special and unique that many others have attempted before and failed at.

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Weavers #2

Jun 7, 2016

This feels like a script written by a preteen, with designs that are far from inspired or unique. The coloring is solid, but I need more than just pretty colors to make a book function. I can't recommend this to anybody.

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Weird Detective #1

Jun 14, 2016

I hope this series finds it's audience, because the audience that it aims for is going to love this. I can't recommend this enough, if this sounds like you're kind of book: IT IS. Even if this doesn't sound like your type of thing (like me) you should still give it a shot. The bizarre twists and turns that it constantly takes, teemed with the intelligent and fun storytelling makes for one of the best new books currently on shelves.

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