Mike Smith's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Comic Addiction Reviews: 2
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Chew (20090 #3

Aug 8, 2009

Layman and Guillroy continue to produce one of the most original and fun books to come along in sometime. While issue #3 hit stands this week, issue #1 released a third print and issue #2 released a second print. Everyone seems to agree that Chew is a hit in both sales and overall quality of the book. Hopefully you have been one of the fortunate ones to read the first three issues. If not then I would encourage you to rush out now and get your hands on what looks to be the surprise title for 2009.

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Jersey Gods #6

Aug 8, 2009

This is another great issue and even though I have thoroughly enjoyed each issue from the start, I continue to be surprise how well written and drawn this book is each time I finish an issue. Glen Brunswick takes the mundane tasks and routine events and writes them into a superhero book that makes them either exciting or funny. I honestly feel the humor is one of the more understated elements of this book. Dan McDaid offers his usual great art and style that harkens back to a Jack Kirkby-esque type of superhero comic. I am excited to see where this story arc goes. For anyone that has yet to check this book out this issue is a great jumping on point. I would also like to mention that the first trade came out last week if you are looking to catch the first story arc. Well written and great art. This book is pure fun and there should be more comics like this in the marketplace.

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