Patrick Wedge's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 1
6.0Avg. Review Rating

DMZ #35

Nov 13, 2008

Donaldsons skill in this story is his ability to visually translate those simple moments into meaningful ones. And that is not a slight against his artwork. This issue was not about action, but rather setting up all those pieces as mentioned. Each individual needed to have their own personality, motivation for the situation and set within the right context of the war. His work did have to bring that sense of people trying extremely hard to push the crappy situation out of their minds, even if for one hour, day or night. Im interested to see if Wood will allow him to push that talent with more action scenes next issue. So for those fans that have been along for the ride so far with DMZ, youll be able to get a much needed intermission from the intense action from the last arc. For those new or wondering what DMZ is about, this issue wont give you a background on most of the characters of DMZ but it can give you a nice introduction to how Wood can play around with different pers

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