PMcAleer's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: We The Nerdy Reviews: 1
8.0Avg. Review Rating

The Shadow: Year One #6

Nov 5, 2013

As for the art by Wilfredo Torres, he has a beautifully clean, crispway with the pencils that really depictthe pulpy, matinee movie aspect of this seminal character. My only criticism is that in the more kinetic moments his characters could do with a little more fluidity. But that's a minor quibble.Colours by Brennan Wagner serve to evoke the noirish, pulpy tone to the book. Lots of shadow (not the character) and various earth tones which really make our eponymous hero's famous red scarf leap from the page when he appears. There is the tendency for some characters clothes to blend into the background due to similar hues, but again its a minor flaw.Overall the team on this book are keeping us hooked in with an intriguing plot layered with a fascinating dynamic between between the Shadow and his nascent network of agents.

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