Prem Barbosa's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 2
6.0Avg. Review Rating

Doktor Sleepless #5

Feb 8, 2008

Final Words: This review's been all over the place, so I'll try to sum it all up in these final words. Doktor Sleepless #5 was nothing mind-blowing, but anyone claiming this is just the same old Warren Ellis is out of their wits. This story is building toward something that feels more like a Grant Morrison scheme than something Ellis would do, but if it gets better with time it could get very, very good. There's already a blog that mimics the fictional imminent.sea blog, a fan maintained wiki, and hidden URLs and clues to be found both in the comic and on the website. If it makes you feel better, don't look at Doktor Sleepless as just another comic book, look at it as a multi-media experience because it's through reading the comic and perusing the websites that give you a more complete sense of what exactly Warren Ellis is doing.

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New World Order #1

Feb 1, 2008

Beginnings are tough. Middles and endings are tough too, but I give a series the benefit of the doubt on its first issue. New World Order has an enjoyable twist on an old motif that felt better the further I got into the reading. This story seemed to fall somewhere in the middle. The website looks pretty interesting and I'd recommend people with general interests in secret organizations, occultism, mystery, and action might give this a look if they see it in the LCS.

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