Simon Peter Curran's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Booked Reviews: 2
9.0Avg. Review Rating

All-New X-Men #2

Nov 29, 2012

Issue #2 of All-New X-Men feels like it could have been the perfect #1 issue to kick the series off. I probably wouldn't have minded how lackluster and (as I've said before) wet the first issue was if it was in a different place in the series. A series like this should open with a bang and issue #2 provided that bang one issue too late! There was a perfect balance of exposition for the series along with some great little action sequences when the past X-Men arrived in the present. If the rest of the series is like issue#2 then I believe this is one that I will be eagerly awaiting each month!

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Earth 2 #12

May 1, 2013

The delivery of this series is great, the art is stunning, the pacing and characterisation are wonderfully natural. It doesn't feel like a chore getting through this story, it flows so well and doesn't seem that long ago when I first read issue number one. I look forward to this book every month, even more so than Invincible or Detective Comics which are right up there on my favourites list. Go and buy this book! If you are a new reader, the collected edition is now available which collects all issues from 0 to 6, a great place to start at an inexpensive price and it sets up the world perfectly for the box of fireworks this creative team is about to set off.

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