Spence Wallace's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: All-Comic Reviews: 8
6.5Avg. Review Rating

Adventure Time (2012) #29

Jun 18, 2014

The plot was all over the place: first they're dead, but not really dead, then something to do with science and ghosts… it was all just too much that seemed to tried to smush everything fans of Adventure Time like into one issue. Hopefully #30 will pick up some of the pieces that this issue through around. That being said, as a HUGE fan of Adventure Time, this was not only hard to read but this review was very hard to write.

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Adventure Time (2012) Annual: 2014 #1

Apr 29, 2014

Whether it's getting hair in cupcakes, Cake schooling us on grooming techniques, funny coloured snowball fightsor our girls saving their friends. TheAdventure TimeAnnual 2014 is definitely worth picking up. There isn't a page that at the very least won't induce a giggle. This book is ALGEBRAIC! A very good twist on the flip side universe and absolutely worth adding to your pull list.

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Armor Wars #1

Jun 8, 2015

This wasn't a struggle to get through due to lack of interest, the art and colours kept the pages turning but aren't enough to go back for Armor Wars #2. As a reviewer it's our jobs to not spoil anything story wise, but personally, the only possible reason that I would have come back for #2 is taken away on the very last page and will leave you, at least it left me, with a very “Ok, well that's enough of that” feeling.

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Assassin's Creed #1

Oct 13, 2015

This series could be one worth following, but many changes have to happen before that becomes a reality. First issues are meant to set tone and introduce us to characters and give a snippet into this world with the Templars, the Brotherhood and the animus. But all it really seems to be doing is another avenue that currently hasn't been used to shove Assassin's Creed at you.

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Black Science #15

Jun 11, 2015

The cover, also seemed VERY reminiscent of the 1990's movie The Rocketeer, arms back, head up, blasting off on a jet pack. Not sure if that was intentional, but it made this an even more impressive read. Make sure you pay attention ALL the way to the end, spoiler free as always, but just prepare yourself and don't yell, ‘WHOOOOAAAA!!' too loudly. Black Science #16 can't come soon enough after putting down this book; why can't a pillar exist to jump to the next issues release? Maybe one day…

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Night of the Living Deadpool #2

Jan 29, 2014

With location references to The Walking Dead, Zombieland, Dawn of the Dead and even Thriller at one point, this series knows exactly what it's up against and doesn't fail to deliver. The one thing that sets this apart from other zombie series that are out right now is,POSSIBLE SPOILER: the zombies can talk. Even if it's only a few words, it's very unnerving and creepy, a welcomed addition to the brand of humor the merc with a mouth brings us. Definitely an interesting take and worth picking up.

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The Manhattan Projects #18

Feb 28, 2014

In no way, shape or form is this a filler issue. It's one of the most, if not THE most, violent issues of this series and well worth picking up. We learn a lot about supposed “good” and “bad” guys in #18 and with twists, turns and a big shocker it will be exciting to see how The Manhattan Projects #19 will pick itself up after the dust from#18 settles.

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Uber #13

May 14, 2014

The story of#13 is what you'll find intriguing, Kieron takes a break from Hitler, Stalin, Churchill and the Japanese and puts us in the shoes of some unassuming Siberian farmers. We don't know much about them and maybe it's better that way. We find out a little about their plight, they've contributed to the war effort in the only way they could but most importantly they're hungry. It really shows what earlier issues ofUber may have not touched upon, but may have been implied. Does touching the red alien crystals change both the subject mentally and physically? If you were thinking that then be prepared to have that question answered. Being one of the top issues in the series so far, this is an exceptional release as it deviates from the main plot and reminds you that behind every war there are victims. Gillen really makes you care about, not just the people who are involved in the war, but the people behind the war, the little people. Absolutely worth the pick up.

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