Stephen Poferl's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geek Sushi Reviews: 15
8.4Avg. Review Rating

Alex + Ada #9

Oct 1, 2014

This is an absolute must read book, no exceptions. Only nine issues in and already I consider this to be one of the top ten all-time greatest stories I have ever read in the medium of comics. The first volume is out in trade, so catching up should be a breeze. Plus, this title is only $2.99, a rarity these days to say the least. I cannot recommend this title enough. Do yourself a true favor, and go out and buy this series. Happy reading!

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Alice Cooper #1

Sep 3, 2014

I was so excited to get a chance to read and write about this book. I have loved Alice Cooper ever since I saw Wayne's World in theaters. I'm a little too young to remember him when he was touring, but everything I have heard I love. His motif and character fit perfectly on the pages of a comic book. The style, the genre, everything just screams comics. That is not to say that there isn't opportunity for there to be some serious writing going on, any fan of Alice knows how intelligent he is and anything he lends his name to will probably be up to his snuff. I really think Dynamite has worked their way into a pretty sweet deal here and I hope we can look forward to many more issues to come. Welcome back Alice, we've missed you! Happy reading!

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Bob's Burgers #1

Aug 26, 2014

This comic is great. No, wait, it's magnificent. No, that's not right"it's stupendous! That's it, nailed it. The writing is truly in the voice of the characters. I couldn't help but hear each one of them in my head as I read the comic. Even down to the cadence with which Tina speaks. It's immaculate. The art looks almost exactly like the art in the show, but of course there are unique differences. Each vignette is written and drawn by different creators, so there are nice breaks in the continuity. It's honestly like reading five little comics for the price of one. I think Dynamite has really latched themselves to a winner here. I'm anxious to read more and I can't wait to see where they take this title. Happy reading!

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Cloaks #1

Sep 2, 2014

I love reading and reviewing books like this because they give a break from the explosions and muscles that are so common between the staples. Don't get me wrong, I love a good brawl sequence, but sometimes I just need to root for the little guy. Here here little guy! Happy reading!

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Cutter #1

Sep 30, 2014

I don't always go for horror titles, typically because they are so plotting and predictable. This book doesn't seem to be heading in that direction, and for the most part, it appears to have a lot of upside. If you prefer black and white, or you just need some thrill in your pulls this week, give this little number a try. Happy reading!

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Dawn / Vampirella #1

Sep 9, 2014

I've read a lot of books like this one. I mean, Dawn has been around for a while and Vampirella has been around forever. But, Dynamite really picked the right guy to tell this story, and I'm hoping it runs on longer than Vampirella's v-neck. The marriage of these two characters is perfect and well overdue. If you need some hotness in this week's reads, jump on this title now before everyone else does. Happy reading!

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Evil Empire #5

Sep 23, 2014

Aiding Bemis in this month's script, is the beautiful art of Joe Eisma. It's soft, and the colors are understated, which balances beautifully with the gruesome content of the story. I have a feeling that EE will be coming to a head in the next issue. The cliff hanger at the end of this book leaves you with more questions than answers, and that typically means that there will be redemption in the next chapter. If you are not yet up to speed on this title, first, kick your own ass for not doing so, and second, do so. You will not be disappointed and you'll be jumping on at the perfect place. Be nice to each other, and happy reading!

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Hexed (2014) #2

Sep 10, 2014

Michael Alan Nelson really encourages the reader to explore the universe he's creating here. You feel almost compelled to look further than the page allows. Mostly, I was blown away by Dan Mora's art in this issue. The ease with which he transitions from the surreal feeling of "The Shade" and the edgy real world is remarkable. If you enjoyed the first issue, then this one will quench the thirst you've been feeling. If you didn't catch the first issue, do yourself and the comic community a favor, and go out and get both issues today. You shan't be disappointed. Happy reading!

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Injection #1

May 12, 2015

Believe what you would like about the comic industry, but there is still plenty of room to tell original, thoughtful, enticing, and kick-ass original stories. I laud Image Comics for their continued commitment to giving creators like Ellis and Shalvey the platform necessary to create such memorable work. Do yourself a favor today; get up from your desk, get over to your LCS, pick up INJECTION #1, read it, twice, and then go back to work (or don't, it's really up to you). Trust me, you'll be glad you did. I know I will. Happy reading everyone!

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Red Sonja: The Black Tower #1

Sep 2, 2014

Honestly, I had a lot of fun reading this book. It's fast, funny, and easy to read. All of which rates high in my list of positive attributes. If you're looking for a title to take you away for a little while, this one might be just right for you. Happy reading!

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Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini #1

Oct 1, 2014

Anthony Del Col's writing is fun, imaginative, and he seems to have a fairly good handle on both of these famous characters. Carlos Furuzono's art is good, but the highlight of the work comes in the paneling structure. It's beautiful and creative, and makes each page more of a portrait than a comic page. The piece de resistance in this book has to be John Cassaday's cover art. He absolutely nails Houdini's face, and the colors are splendid. This book was a fun read, and very fast paced. You get to learn a bit about escape art and mind-altering drugs, and in the end isn't that all that matters? Go out and give this book a chance. It's something new, and that's always a good thing. Happy reading!

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Steven Universe #2

Sep 3, 2014

If you are looking for something a little silly and off the wall, or even something heartwarming and endearing, please do yourself a favor and pick up Steven Universe #2 at your local comic shop. Hey, you could even share with a special little person in your life, too. Happy reading!

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Stumptown (2014) #1

Sep 9, 2014

Honestly, most of this comic takes place at this Timbers match, and you are inundated with the hooligan lifestyle, but it does have its charm. The real genius of this book comes in Rucka's ability to develop character. The relationship between Dex and her brother, who has some form of mental illness, is a shining example of Greg's abilities. He brings you in to his character's lives without forcing them upon you. He's always been one of my favorites and seems to be keeping pace here with this title.Overall, it's a solid book, if you can get past all the soccer references. I say give it a shot of you're a fan of Rucka's work or just looking for something to break the mundane superhero cycle. Happy reading!

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Teen Dog #1

Sep 9, 2014

This was a really fun read and it breezed by effortlessly, which is a nice reprieve from books that seem to drag on and on. Lawrence's artistic style is reminiscent of Adventure Time in its form, but it has a uniqueness to it. His strong suit has to be his writing, however. He develops his characters so clearly that you feel like you know them personally by the end. They have depth and life, and they really seem to stick with you. It's also flippin' hilarious! A special "no prize" to anyone who can find the subtle Dazed and Confused reference. This book is a real winner in my eyes. Give it a shot if you're looking to add some fun to your weekly pulls. Happy reading!

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The Auteur: Sister Bambi #1

May 13, 2015

I think what Rick Spears is building is one of the most memorable and original characters to come to the pages of comics in quite some time. Add to this the psychedelic and almost maddening art of Jim Callahan and you are left with a genuine piece of comic genius. The art reminds me of something you find in an old Zap Comic, Robert Williams comes to mind. Not to give away too much but" Hasidic practitioners of martial arts is all I'll say. This book is nothing short of spectacular and you should definitely add it to your pull. Go out and get the first trade, "President's Day", as well. You shan't be disappointed. Happy reading everyone!

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