Steven Miller's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Fanboy Buzz Reviews: 12
7.0Avg. Review Rating

50 Girls 50 #1

May 31, 2011

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this inaugural issue of 50 Girls 50 and I highly recommend taking a look through when it hits the comic shop tomorrow. With a final panel cliffhanger reminiscent of certain classic scene from Alien 3, this book is sure to be a delightfully campy romp through the science fiction genre.

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FF #4

May 29, 2011

Hopefully these questions will be answered next month, as Attilan takes center stage as the War of Four Cities heats up.

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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #60

May 30, 2011

Overall, this issue has brought what will likely be the biggest blow to the Corps, and the consequences will likely soon not be forgotten. War of the Green Lanterns comes to a close in next months Green Lantern, and while I hope that the franchise takes a little break from the earthquake of blockbuster events that they have been throwing at us since the Sinestro Corps appeared, I have a feeling that things will not be the same when the dust settles.

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iZombie (2010) #14

Jun 1, 2011

It comes to no surprise to me that Roberson and Allred are getting accolades for their work on this book, because it is no doubt something special, and I cannot wait to see what they have in store for us as the many developing plotlines begin to converge.

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Last Mortal #1

Jun 6, 2011

Last Moral was a joy to read, and I hope youll all go pick it up. Last Mortal #1 is in stores now and #2 will hit stores on June 29th, on Minotaur Press, an imprint of Top Cow and Image.

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Screamland #1

Jun 6, 2011

Screamland #1 arrives in stores this Wednesday.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #34

Jun 1, 2011

While I have a slight fear that, with news of the relaunch, this issue may be the catalyst for Gail Simones final arc on Secret Six (I sincerely hope it isn't), I am excited to say that I think this is going to be one of her best. As always, Gail manages to take C- and D-list characters and turn them into gold. If you told me that I would have an emotional attachment to characters like Bane, Catman, and yes, even King Shark, I probably would have laughed; however, Gail seems to make it work every single month. Sixs resident artist, J. Calafiore, once again provides art that fits the tone of this book well, somehow balancing the gritty mercenary lifestyle of the Six with their softer and stranger familial bonds that somehow remain intact. Secret Six #34 is a great issue, a great book, and if youre not reading it…well…you can just go with Junior Merkel to Hell.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #11

Jun 2, 2011

A great start to a new story arc, and I cant wait to see who the new big boss in town is. Wouldnt it be ironic if it were Cyclops?

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #538

Jun 16, 2011

Overall, Gillen and Dodson provide us with a story that is certainly not bad by recent Uncanny X-Men standards, but is severely lacking in suspense and compelling storytelling. Im hoping that Gillen is just getting his sea legs and that well see some marked improvement in the next few months, just as Generation Hope has started to pick up steam. If I have any major squabbles, its that the story took so long to build up, and then just wrapped up too neatly and too easily. And when has that ever been the case for the X-Men?

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Uncle Scrooge #404

May 30, 2011

Golden Age or not, I could not get over the glaring plot holes ripped open in this story, and it would appear that there was no attempt to fix this in Gersteins translation. If there is one shining piece to this story, it is Scarpas artwork, which is quite clean and simple, yet masterful. Its no wonder that he was such a success within Disney. Unfortunately, artwork is not really enough to support and sustain a story. It was an alright read, but I am not sure I would recommend it, unless youre looking for some bizarre, Golden Age Disney fun.

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X-Factor (2005) #220

Jun 2, 2011

Peter David does a fantastic job on this book, but I think that we need, and deserve, some art to match. Im interested to see how this issues final splash page reveal turns out next month, and what it means for X-Factor.

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Xombi #3

May 29, 2011

I am desperately hoping that some further exposition, character depth, and plot reveals provide some additional accessibility to readers, because in such a finicky market, this book certainly has too much potential to get cancelled.

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