Travis Meidell's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Batman-News Reviews: 3
5.3Avg. Review Rating

Batman Beyond (2016) #15

Dec 28, 2017

So much happens in Batman Beyond #15, and yet nothing changes at all. Terry seems to be stuck in place waiting for the reveal of our big bad guy, and we have to endure a series of battles that feel like a placeholder with gimmick cliffhangers. Sure, there are some funny lines, and the art is well-done, but these elements aren't enough to keep me interested in this story. There are three more parts to this storyline, and hopefully, we'll start to see some real movement to the story in the next issue.

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Titans (2016) #18

Dec 14, 2017

I felt like last month's issue set my expectations high for this conclusion, and while I enjoyed the message Dan Abnett was writing about, the whole ending moved way too fast. I won't say it was a swing and miss, but I do feel a bit disappointed. The good news is, it looks like we're set up for a clean start next month to dive into some brand new directions.

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Trinity (2016) #16

Dec 21, 2017

This New Year's Eve story featuring the Trinity looked to be something special but sadly fell apart with a plot that got a little too big for its own good. However, the art team delivers, and if you can look past a few plot holes, you'll find an enjoyable read that will be wholly forgotten next week.

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