Strangers in Paradise #1
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Strangers in Paradise #1

Writer: Terry Moore Artist: Terry Moore Publisher: Abstract Studios Release Date: June 12, 2019 Critic Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
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  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jun 18, 2007

    There's been a lot written about Terry Moore online in the past week or so, but the focus seems to be on what he's doing next (namely, Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane). It's not his first foray into super-hero characters owned by others; he did work on Rob Liefeld's Lady Supreme, for example. But it's his body of self-published work about which people should be talking. As an independent publisher and creator, he's a member of a small and elite club that includes such impressive names as Jeff (Bone) Smith and Dave (Cerebus) Sim. In the realm of indy comics, there are few titles that one could point to as being more successful than SiP. I hope this isn't the end of his independent efforts, but I am pleased to learn that he'll be reaching a wider audience with his upcoming work-for-hire projects. Read Full Review

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