Princeless: Be Yourself #3

Writer: Jeremy Whitley Artist: Emily Martin, Brett Grunig Publisher: Action Lab Comics Release Date: August 26, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Adrienne and Bedelia are finally ready to go rescue Angoisse with the help of their new goblin guide. Now all that stands between them and Angoisse's castle is a river full of the most dangerous, vile, and deadly creatures in the swamp...and zombies...don't forget the zombies. Meanwhile, Sparky is off to find and subdue the terrible swamp creature who has been hunting down goblins, The Grimmorax!

  • 8.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Carrie McClain Aug 30, 2015

    By the end of this issue we are treated to a reunion of Adrienne and Angoisse, (take it however it is y'all), a lot of unnecessary flattery and sweet talk and an unsuspected guest with nefarious plans for our number one knight who likes being princeless. Throw in some creature features from the heart of the swamp and A LOT of jokes to tide us over until next month, we have a strong consistent issue here with a cliffhanger that will make you worry for Adrienne and her quest. Read Full Review

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