Zombie Tramp Vol. 2 #1
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Zombie Tramp Vol. 2 #1

Writer: Dan Mendoza Artist: Dan Mendoza Publisher: Action Lab Comics Release Date: October 30, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 1
5.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

We're back for volume two, and picking up right where we left off, where does Janey, our former Hollywood call girl turned undead heroine, go from here? What fetish fashion will she wear?? And more importantly, why is it called the Taint Train of Terror? All aboard to find out!

  • 5.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Jesse Scheckner Jan 29, 2014

    The writing is where I take the most umbrage with. Dialogically, no character has a distinctive voice " a very important facet of a good comic. Furthermore, the editors " editor in chief Shawn Gabborin and associate editors Chad Cicconi and Colleen Boyd " should be ashamed of themselves for letting a book on their imprint come out with "it's" and "its" being both used incorrectly in the same issue. There's three of you, for Pete's sake, get with it! Read Full Review

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