During the Fourth War of the Sun, a small dog named DOGGY experienced an irreparable trauma: his mother was brutally murdered, and his eight brothers, still puppies, were kidnapped by a mysterious man. To save them, Doggy fought bravely against the terrible killer, but all his efforts were in vain, and he was left for dead. What nobody imagined was that a technological vulture scavenging the region for corpses would be the one to rescue the dying dog from death's scythe.
Now, Doggy has become Samurai Doggy, and his only goal is to quench his thirst for revenge.
Written by Chris Tex (BlackOut) and illustrated by Santtos (LAND OF THE LI more
A fun exercise in style that teaches readers to never underestimate an foe. Even if they're named "Doggy." Read Full Review
Overlooking the opening pages of the issue, brutal as they are, readers' enjoyment of Samurai Doggy will likely come down to how much they appreciate the visuals, and there is a lot to like in that regard. Read Full Review
Wow, the first few pages are a difficult read, but after that the book is very different than expected. Great art and writing and I can’t wait to see where the series goes from here.
I shouldn't like this but I do. The premise is nothing we haven't seen. The character designs are ok, also nothing we haven't seen. But the presentation and the execution is really, really cool. This art evokes webcomics and manga, and its fight scenes are unlike anything you'll see elsewhere IMO. There's tons of flow and motion to it, book almost looks like its moving.
The world that is hinted at is very lived in, it feels like a million stories could be told here. Hoping for this books success.