There's no time for Aaron to mourn the loss of those close to him when the Margolis family plans a brazen heist on a Hu drug shipment. All goes according to plan until it doesn't and the heist turns into a knock-down, drag-out battle through the streets of Dalian.
Search For Hu sets us up for the finale in a pretty much an expected way here. It does move quickly into some of this but it's got a lot of the familiar threads that you could see early on in how this would unfold because of family dynamics and the outsider that Aaron really is. The subplot with MK is a bit frustrating as Aaron should know better and at this point MK just needs to be blunt with him because he's being stupidly oblivious about things. I'm definitely curious to see if the finale goes for the big blowout that it seems to be promising and if it can do it in a way that delivers something meaningful for Aaron by the end, or if he just ended up making a huge mess and missed out in some key events with his family in America. Read Full Review
Is the book a masterpiece? No, probably not. Is the book fun? Yes, it most certainly is, and that is one of the reasons why we read and. love comics books! Read Full Review
There's a story worth appreciating at the heart of Search for Hu, but the muddy and ill-paced telling makes it a challenge. Read Full Review