Winston Wallis - the last human in a world of monsters - has an uncanny amount of good luck. Elbow-deep in his newest investigation, Win stirs up a hornet's nest of conspiracy. Will his luck finally run out?
Sympathy for No Devils came out of the gate a bit slower than expected, but it seems to be hitting its groove in issue #3. Read Full Review
I liked a bunch of pieces across the first two issues and even liked the early stuff with Winston and Addison here, but Sympathy for No Devils continue to be a problematic book in that I really just don't get the whole structure and setup of how this world works. And that lack of understanding on my part makes it so that I can't understand how the dynamic works between the characters. Winston doesn't have a great run here as he gets abused pretty hard and it's easy to see that Crae isn't in for a good time either. I'm curious to see if this gets pulled together into something more cohesive. Read Full Review