Introducing Sun Bakery: a one-man Shonen Jump-esque comics anthology from Sharknife creator, Corey Lewis. Each 48 page issue is jam packed with robo space adventure, paranormal skateboarding, breakdancing, and social swordplay. This landmark first issue debuts four new stories: "Dream Skills," "Arem," "Bat Rider," and "Freeze."
When I look at this book it's exactly what I want from an indie comic. It's professional work, but it's doing what it wants and doing it well. That's the key difference, breaking the storytelling and "comic rules" is only good when you're good or better. Lewis bends the medium to his will and it's pretty damn great to read because of it. Books like Sun Bakery is why I read indie comics and I wish more comics were to this level of talent. Read Full Review
Sun Bakery #1 takes itself seriously only insomuch as the act of creating is refreshingly pure. In all its schizophrenic glory, Corey Lewis has crafted a celebration of the acts of creating and storytelling themselves Read Full Review
"Sun Baker" just can't sit still, and it's all the better for it. Read Full Review