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Ant #3

Artist: Mario Gully Publisher: Arcana Studio Critic Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
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  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Aug 30, 2004

    Maybe I just dont get the idea behind the series. Hanna believes she will grow up to become a superhero called The Ant. She writes about her future adventures in her journal. Now, I get that Hannas stories are her way of dealing with the world around her. (And for a 4-year old, the stories are very well-written.) But why am I reading this? Why am I caring about Hanna in the first place? Because shes a poor little girl in a big, bad world? Is there a larger theme of how superhero comics help all of us deal with reality? Hannas father has been wrongly accused of murder and shes powerless to help. Boo-hoo. Pardon my human nature, but I just cant care. I like the part with Ant. Hey, insect-woman fighting a giant cockroach always makes for a good story. But a family falling apart? Couldnt care less. Read Full Review

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