"When Worlds Collide," Part Ten of Twelve! We enter the final assault as Sonic, Tails, Mega Man and Rush storm the Wily Egg to end the dastardly duo of doctors' plans! Speaking of "duos," what's that entering Earth's atmosphere? Can it help Sonic and Mega Man fend off the Mega Man Killers? How about a Chaos Devil? Featuring more new cover art from the legendary Patrick "SPAZ" Spaziante and a special look at the cover process with a super special "pencil, ink, color" sketch variant!
But the usual critique still applies: “Worlds Collide” is playing its crossover by the numbers. Robotnik and Wily are both about to doublecross one another, the oldest crossover cliche behind “heroes fight when they first meet by accident” (a cliche this arc is also guilty of) and I really wish Flynn had resisted going there. I'm sure you can play out in your head just how the rest of this arc is going to go. 8.0 Bates's artwork is just so good.Wily confronting Robotnik about trying to kill Dr. Light was a great scene.Though I wish Bates wouldn't draw Sonic's and Tails's faces when they're in spin-ball mode. It's weird.Great as the aforementioned Wily/Robotnik scene was, the “villains turn on each other” shtick is an ancient cliche. Read Full Review