They exist in the all-new ASPEN UNIVERSE...yet belong to NO ONE!
The group must come to grips with the fact that Pardner Bob's plans to manufacture evil on a global scale may be too far along to stop-along with the realization that the entire world may be done for! The final issue sees this banded-together team's last-ditch effort to rescue not only themselves, but all of humanity as we know it!
Written by legendary Uncanny X-Men scribe Scott Lobdell (Michael Turner's Fathom) with art by Jordan Gunderson (Aspen Universe: Revelations), this is THE NEW Aspen title you won't want to miss!
For No World #6 is it wrong that I love how abrupt the defeat of Pardner Bob was? I don't think so! Because let's be honest there could have been a long drawn out battle that then showed all the characters beaten down but instead the creative team cut right to the point. And that right there is what separates this title from the rest of the comic flock at your local shop this week as this release easily earns praise. Read Full Review
With strong art and a solid story, this series is a good set-up for future adventures with a team of heroes from the Aspen Universe. Read Full Review