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A1 Big Issue Zero #1

Artist: Various Publisher: Atomeka Comics Critic Reviews: 3
6.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Aug 29, 2004

    Three out of the five stories here were very enjoyable, although Im almost embarrassed that two of those were superhero tales. Of the other two stories, one was okay but pointless, and the other was well done but just didnt engage me. Thats actually pretty good for an anthology title (I remember times when 2000ad couldnt muster a single decent strip in five), and so Im quite pleased to recommend this. Im a little concerned about the wisdom of releasing an anthology title into the US market, as Americans Dont Read Anthologies, but diversity and variety are to be praised, and if anyone who comes to this comic as a fan of one particular genre goes away from it with at least a passing interest in something a bit different (and by different I dont mean horror comics by Steve Niles), then A1 will be a success. Well worth reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning Aug 29, 2004

    Scheduling is a bit of a tricky matter for this series, as it seems issue one isnt due out until January. Worth the wait, certainly, but a strange little project like this, in a market unkind to anthologies, might do better to take advantage of any momentum it can generate. The interim will see several other Atomeka projects, notably this weeks Bricktop by Glen Fabry, but continuity within a single series is nevertheless quite desirable. Still, the work is strong, there are some big-name creators attached and some classic characters returning the ether, so perhaps A1 has a chance after all. Have to say, though, that it deserves much more. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Craig Johnson Aug 29, 2004

    Frankly, the anthology disappoints. Theres not enough new, quality material the watchword of A1 in its original incarnation to draw in old familiar readers. Nice set of covers, though. Read Full Review

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