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The Unfunnies #2

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Anthony Williams Publisher: Avatar Press Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
1.0User Rating

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Iain Burnside Mar 5, 2004

    It's that kind of story, really. There is no rhyme or reason to it. It simply seems to exist to enable Millar to put down all the terrible ideas he dreams up that would be too far-fetched or offensive for more mainstream titles like The Ultimates or The Authority. And going by his standards, that's saying something. At the end of the day, you'll already know if you can get this unique brand of humour or not. If you watch shows like Family Guy or South Park and find them too odd then run away now and pick up something more suited to your tastes. If you can stomach it, you'll get some good cheap laughs, marvel at Millar for having such imagination AND for having the balls to put this out there, then wander what the hell he was smoking and where you can get some... Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Sergione Jul 26, 2018

    This comic was a piece of shit. I love Mark Millar's output nowadays and I'm proud of his deal with netflix, but during the 2000's he became the definition of "Ow the edge" in comics and this was his peak. 100% stupid, cringy and boring. No surprise he decided to distance himself from these type of comics after much more focused and uplifting work like Superior and Huck.

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