Everfrost #4
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Everfrost #4

Writer: Ryan K Lindsay Artist: Sami Kivela Publisher: Black Mask Studios Release Date: October 6, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
8.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The final showdown between Van and everything she hates about this future. Characters you love will die, and return, and be faced with the kinds of horrible choices you only find in final issues. As we close this story, you will not want to miss how we leave Van at the end of all this mess, or where, or when, or why!  
Ryan K Lindsay, award-winning writer of ETERNAL and NEGATIVE SPACE, teams again with Sami Kivela, the artistic juggernaut behind ABBOTT and UNDONE BY BLOOD, alongside Lauren Affe, the colourist of THE WITCHER, STRANGER THINGS, and FIVE GHOSTS, to conclude this absolute bomb of sci fi insanity and heartbreaking emo more

  • 10
    COMICON - Scott Redmond Oct 12, 2021

    Everfrost one hundred percent sticks the landing as this issue brings the vast gorgeous emotional science-fiction epic to a satisfying and hopeful conclusion. Fans of high-level science fiction, world-building, deep character building, and moments need to pick this book up and make it part of their collection right away. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Lia Kolb Oct 6, 2021

    Everfrost is a series that takes the reader on an emotional journey, particularly where Van is concerned. While certain plot beats can be confusing or even quite shocking, there's a certain peace in the end that makes it all worth it. It's clear Lindsay knew what he wanted to do with this series the minute he sat down to write it -- and Kivela's pencils bring that world to life quite effortlessly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Lotusland Comics - Hank Rea Oct 6, 2021

    'Everfrost' #4 brings Van's journey full circle in shocking ways but also satisfying in terms of her finally finding peace. This is one of those sci-fi adventures that finds an emotional chord allowing for the character-work to do all the fireworks instead of bombastic action. Combined with Kivela and Affe, Lindsay has made 'Everfrost' a unique sci-fi experience that depends on brains and heart over excessive violent action. It's a meditation on loss and grief and to what lengths one will go to find eternal peace.  Read Full Review

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