Last Song #3

Writer: Holly Interlandi Artist: Sally Cantirino Publisher: Black Mask Studios Release Date: August 19, 2020 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
9.1Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

A single moment makes Nicky step back for the first time in several years. Suddenly he's living in a house by himself, all his old haunts are unfamiliar, and there's an eerie silence where his best friendship used to be. Attempted catch-up sessions go sour. Rehearsals are rushed and bitter. The songs are still the same, but even they can't drown out the difference.
Or, Part 3 of 4, when everything goes to sh-t.

  • 9.1
    Comic Watch - Duna Haller Aug 19, 2020

    Never has setup and character work benefited a comic so much as this issue. With all the pieces in place, Interlandi shakes them up in every turn, showcasing beautifully a complex queer love story and a lot of friendship difficult stories that come to life in some of the most beautiful grey art I have seen, with raw emotions when it's due, and wonderful detail and texture the times it's needed. Read Full Review

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