The Skeptics #2

Writer: Tini Howard Artist: Devaki Neogi Publisher: Black Mask Studios Release Date: November 30, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
8.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

"EVERYBODY'S SOMEBODY'S FOOL." Max and Mary lean into their hijinks as they are brought face to face with the Russian threat - who aren't all that threatening! Or are they? Can Coca-Cola and rock music save the world, or have things just gotten way too heavy? And what's with these Russian cats, anyway?

  • 8.9
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Dec 2, 2016

    The end of the issue raised a couple of questions. Especially given that Maxwell had previously shown no signs of being flighty or nervous – it did seem to come out of nowhere. Seeing the pair interact with the Soviets didn't feel wholly right. Not because it was a bad plot point, but because something felt afoot. It's likely that the Soviets have a trick or two up their sleeves at this junction in the story. Overall,The Skeptics #2 is still a fun comic, even if it does slow down a little in places. We thoroughly recommend this series. Read Full Review

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