Futurama Comics #42

Writer: Patrick M. Verrone Artist: James Lloyd Publisher: Bongo Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Mar 28, 2009

    The idea of an alien species based upon man's best friend could have been the sole source of entertainment gravy, but Verrone, Lloyd, Pepoy and Kane break from the leash to deliver a cleverly plotted and visually arresting issue of Futurama Comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    KurtPikachu Feb 8, 2016

    This comic is a MUCH better improvement from issue #41. This came out around the time Into The Wild Green Yonder was released. And at that time, it seemed like Futurama was gone for good after that. So at that time, I settled for the comics. Onto the comic. This is another story surrounding Fry's dog from the 20th century Seymour. In the beginning, everyone suspects everyone else for stealing from one another. Fry is upset that someone has kidnapped Seymour. Zoidberg discovers a footporint. Then Fry, Leela, and Bender head to the Planet Sirius K9, a Planet of the Dogs if you will. All the dogs there want the crew to take then out for walks, beg them, and act like typical dogs. Bender has some funny lines in this, especially quo more

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