Futurama Comics #58

Writer: Ian Boothby Artist: James Lloyd Publisher: Bongo Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Dec 3, 2011

    Sometimes Futurama is sweet. Sometimes it's adventurous. Other times it's both, but for these two intermeshed tales, the pure comedy knitted firmly to the narrative, the setting and the characters earns the book a perfect score. Read Full Review

  • 10
    KurtPikachu Feb 22, 2016

    Bender gets parents! Yes! You heard it right! After harboring a seething jealousy that Leela and Amy were speaking of their parents. Bender gets his wish. The father looked like that 'Danger Will Robinson' robot from Lost In Space, and The mother struck a resemblence to Rosie from The Jetsons. Bender interacting with his parents was great fun! Farnsworth's quest to find his missing Doomsday device, where he suspected the Robot Mafia, Mom's Sons, and even Nixon and Cheney! (Liked the scene with Cheney and the rifle!) It was funny when Bender's parents thought Fry was a bad influence! (Guess all robots hate humans). Liked seeing Fry in pajamas. Hilarious how Ignar thought he got his face ripped off. Fry in the cardboard box remi more

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