The battles grow fiercer and the bodies continue to pile up as DEATHMATCH hurtles towards the semi-finals! Inside the arena, the fabled detective faces off against her insane nemesis...and will a mortal man have any chance against the power of a mad god? Outside the arena, the Rat struggles to decipher Glyph's secret messages before it's too late.
Aside from this the momentum of this book is admirable. The pacing in general. Between the fights and them trying to figure out the situation they're in you find yourself really pulled into this story. Sure some of the fights seem rushed, but you wouldn't want to waste too much time on fights that don't have a major impact on the conflict at hand. Everything no matter how small works as a piece of a puzzle, and as a layered story it manages to remain on track while diving into what makes these characters tick. Normally you'd expect spectacle over substance in a book like this though Jenkins manages to take advantage of both. Read Full Review
As ever, Deathmatch was a highlight this month, as issue seven continues the series' build into what I think will be a very satisfying final conflagration. If you're not reading this, it's you who needs to be locked away. Read Full Review