Incorruptible #19

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Marcio Takara Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: June 29, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

With Headcase out of commission, supervillains emerging from the woodwork in the wake of the Plutonian's absence, and pressure from the Paradigm to prove he's fit to be a true superhero, Max Damage is beginning to show cracks in his incorruptible exterior. And when a young supervillainess approaches him with an unusual proposition, will Max remain on the straight-and-narrow, or will the temptation of his old life in a post-Plutonian world prove impossible to resist?

  • 8.5
    IGN - Miguel Perez Jun 29, 2011

    Armadale's reaction to learning the extent of Max's past crimes is pitch perfect as well. The revelation from last month weighs heavy on him, and it shows during those difficult scenes. More so than what happens with Max, I'm curious to see just how this plays out in the upcoming issues. Their relationship has never been perfect, but the strain this is putting on Armadale's faith may be the final straw. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Jun 29, 2011

    A much better issue because it brought back the twisted edge to Incorruptible that it needs to differentiate it from an overcrowded superhero marketplace. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Jun 29, 2011

    This issue races by, as they all do, because they are good. After reading this, stand back and slowly flip through it. Soak in just how much Waid fits into only one issue. He advances many scenes and plays through plenty of the main drive of the tale. This isn't a comic that wastes a lot of time. It feels like Waid would get bored, so he moves onto new ideas and weaves them through everything else to make a very long and linear narrative. This is a good comic that's rarely disappointing. Buying consistency is a solid investment, and your money is safe with this book because you never know where it's going. You just know you want to be there to find out. Read Full Review

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