Incorruptible #26

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Marcio Takara Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: January 25, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

THE LEGENDARY IRREDEEMABLE/INCORRUPTIBLE CROSSOVER’S UNFORGETTABLE CONCLUSION!Don’t miss the final issue of the crossover event answering the question that’s been teased since the beginning of IRREDEEMBLE and INCORRUPTIBLE…how did The Plutonian and Max Damage become sworn enemies? DON’T MISS THE FINAL ISSUE OF MARK WAID’S EPIC CROSSOVER EVENT! The fourth and final issue of the IRREDEEMABLE/INCORRUPTIBLE crossover series!

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Jan 25, 2012

    "Incorruptible" continues to be a super book with muscles and heart. The fact it knows how to flex both in the same issue is what makes this such a success. Our lead character has depth, and his effects on the world around him ripple like a dead body dropped into the middle of a very big ocean. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Jimmy Jan 30, 2012

    Overall, putting aside my frustration with the misrepresentation of the crossover event, this was a fantastic issue. The development of Max is handled superbly in the issue, and the art (as always from Marcio Takara) is GORGEOUS""and I really like the Garry Brown cover. I'm still bitter, but not so bitter that I can't give this issue a well-deserved four out of five stars. I really enjoyed it, and if you've been reading Incorruptible you absolutely should read it. Mark Waid is a great writer, and Incorruptible from beginning to now has been some of his best work in my mind. Read Full Review

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