Incorruptible #3

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Jean Diaz, Belardino Brabo Publisher: Boom! Studios Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
9.6Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

  • 9.6
    Mania - Chris Smits Feb 23, 2010

    The bandwagon has been rolling for Irredeemable since the title began and it needs to be pointed out that it should be rolling just as heavily for Incorruptible. What Waid began in the first now makes what is happening in this book the best. If Irredeemable was the right hand, then Incorruptible proves that Mark Waid hits equally as hard with his left. To not have these books in your stack when leaving the comic shop is a crime. Incorruptible is adventurous, mysterious and even humorous, but it's Max Damage that is the true draw here. Where the character is going remains to be seen, but there's no reason for anyone not to want to see the journey. I'm giving this a solid A grade and waving my finger in the air like a disappointed grandmother at those of you that still haven't gotten behind what's going on over at Boom! Studios. Read Full Review

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