Lumberjanes #41

Writer: Shannon Watters, Kat Leyh Artist: Ayme Sotuyo Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: August 23, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
8.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

When Jo builds a device that can control time, the Lumberjane scouts get stoked on science! But for Molly, Jo's invention could mean something else entirely...the chance to make their summer at camp last forever!

  • 9.8
    Comicsverse - Stephanie Wilson Aug 24, 2017

    This issue goes deeper into the characters of Jo and Molly, giving us plenty of tension with the Lumberjanes. The art is light and plays with time, providing a contrast with some of the darker moments of the issue. Overall, it's a slower-paced issue with great character development and mystery that leaves me wanting for the next issue! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdophiles - Sam Wildman Sep 9, 2017

    I think we're starting up what could be a really great arc with this issue. We've seen Molly struggling throughout the series and it has only gotten more pronounced as time has passed. I'm glad that the book is going to finally address it and, in doing, so I'm hoping we're going to learn more about Molly, her home life, and what exactly she's actually trying so hard to keep away from. I think it sucks that her fear and anxiety will ultimately be used against her but it might finally get her to open up to her friends. As always with Lumberjanes – it's a great start to what's going to inevitably be a great story! Read Full Review

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