The Woods #11

Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Michael Dialynas Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: March 4, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 5
7.2Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Sanami and the Hunters finally reach the school and see the complete state of chaos that has been spawning since their arrival to the planet. Back at New London, Adrian has finally made his arrival. With the army gone, nothing stands in the way of him and the black stone...

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Mar 5, 2015

    If you're not reading The Woods then I have to question your love for the medium because this title is way better than the vast majority of comics out there and definitely better than a lot of Image titles that get a free pass because of their creators or title. Yeah that's a dig, but one that should be thrown out there because this book is just too damn good to be ignored and too many of you are doing just that. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Capeless Crusader - Cody Mudge Mar 3, 2015

    In single issue format even great series can seem pedestrian because you cant immediately find gratification for the investment youve made but we have every reason to believe that the pay-off to The Woods will be spectacular. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Sonne Mar 10, 2015

    Tynion is used to relying on invoking fear in his readers in order to keep them entertained in spite of his other projects flaws, but Dialynas style is not scary. Not only does The Woods not have solid characters, but it also doesnt present any symbolism or themes in order to give its story depth. What is it that the readers of this series are supposed to be reading for? Any series should have a clear answer for that question by the end of a third issue, not still stumbling around trying to find a point after almost a year. Read Full Review

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