Exlibrium #1
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Exlibrium #1

Writer: Natalia Devova Artist: Ozich, Denis Popov Publisher: Bubble Comics Release Date: October 28, 2015 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

...And the door will open
"Exlibrium" (from the Latin 'ex libris', "of the books" and 'equilibrium', "balance") - a magic seal that helps the mysterious order of sorcerers to guard the border between the real world and the world of fiction. For many centuries members of the order have been successfully preventing creatures from the works of art and lliterature from escaping into our world. But sometimes the order fails to do so and some of those characters manage to break the walls between realities...

  • 8.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Carrie McClain Nov 6, 2015

    Lot of pop culture references, an art style that isn't distracting, promise of lots of unique creatures and (even some scary! monsters) and a story involving books and the worlds housed within them is right up my alley. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Justin Wood Jul 27, 2016

    I may have spent most of the review being negative, but overall Exlibriumwas far easier to read than a lot of comperable American attempts at the same thing. The art wasn't full of shortcuts. While pandering the book actually seemed to want to be relateable, not your buddy. I want to read the second issue, that should say more than enough of how this succeeded despite its flaws. And while I'm not over the moon for it, there are a lot of people I can see really digging this book and its protagonist. It's one thing to be happy to see more international comics being made availible to American readers, it's another to see books that I feel are easy to recommend and have this kind of slick production. Comic shop owners take note: Russia might not be the source of the next big international comics boom but they might have some titles your customers didn't know they needed. Read Full Review

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