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Conan And The Jewels Of Gwahlur #1

Artist: P. Craig Russell Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
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  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 21, 2005

    I was a little surprised by the rather simple appearance of this issue, as P. Craig Russell's past work has struck me as being a little more detailed than this issue offers up and as such the more simplistic appearance of this miniseries felt a bit underwhelming. Now truth be told there's nothing wrong with his work on this issue, as it tells the story in a clear, easy to follow manner, and while there's not a wealth of detail on the page, the art does have moments that left me quite impressed, such as the flashback scene which does a lovely job of laying the groundwork visually for the story that follows. The art also provides nice little details, like the sequence where Conan comes to realize that the unmoving statue is alive. It also does a solid work visually capturing the sudden personality shift when Conan exposes the lie, and high and mighty goddess suddenly transforms into a terrified young woman. Still, I did enter this miniseries expecting the art to be a little more fles Read Full Review

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