Dark Horse Presents #4

7.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

After a demon steals a child’s soul, occult professor Alice Creed must track down the evil culprit in Alex de Campi and Jerry Ordway’s Semiautomagic. A new tale of conspiratorial superheroics from the world of Peter Tomasi and Keith Champagne’s The Mighty, written by Keith Champagne with art by Leonard Kirk! Plus, Evan Dorkin delivers eight hilarious pages of House of Fun!

New chapters of Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, and Andy Kuhn’s Wrestling with Demons and Tyler Jenkins’s The Chaining fill out the rest of this awesome issue!

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Michael Roder Nov 22, 2014

    On its cover, Dark Horse Presents #4 boasts about being named the reigning best anthology by the Eisner, Harvey, and Stumptown Comic Arts Awards, and this is not just due to lack of competition. Dark Horse editor Mike Richardson does an excellent job cultivating talent, and arranging an aesthetically pleasing package, of 48 straight pages of comics, with no ads. This is a continually good series, and should be on the pull list of anyone who enjoys shorter comic stories. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Nov 19, 2014

    It's been a while since a superhero story popped up in Dark Horse Presents, and this one a bit different as well when it takes place during a different time, the past to be exact. But that isn't the part that really catches your attention. What does is that you have this guy who can do the impossible, and looks like he's trying to do good, but you still don't find yourself trusting him 100%. The detective doesn't either, so you definitely want to see where that leads. The interior art is probably one of the best seen so far in terms of quality pencils and colors. The Mighty comes off valiant on top of looking like a pulp story. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Austin Lanari Nov 19, 2014

    I am massively underwhelmed. This is an award winning anthology, but it really did not read like one. Your five bucks is better saved for a smaller press anthology or a local independent title lying around your comic shop. Read Full Review

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