Fatima - The Blood Spinners #2

Writer: Gilbert Hernandez Artist: Gilbert Hernandez Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: July 25, 2012 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
9.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

  • 10
    Newsarama - Edward Kaye Sep 24, 2012

    Fatima: The Blood Spinners #4 is a fitting conclusion to one of the most bizarre stories that Gilbert Hernandez has ever written. The series showcases the true depth of Hernandez's imagination, and his imagination is very strange place indeed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Emmanuel Malchiodi Jul 18, 2012

    Without providing too many spoilers this issue ends on an interesting note, where Fatima either finds herself 100 years in the future, hoping to avoid the zombie apocalypse, or possibly part of an institutional trap designed to kill anybody with insider knowledge. Also, like last issue, this installment is filled with violence and women dressed in overly tight clothing (a specialty of Hernandez). I cant wait for the next issue, supposedly out in August, as the mysteries set up this issue will undoubtedly be answered and Im sure with violent results. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Kaity McAllister Jul 18, 2012

    Anyway, Gilbert Hernandez has so far laid some solid foundation and provided a point of action, where were finally past the flashbacks and thrown into uh, well, a slightly uncertain point in time. Im really excited to see a time and place in the next issue, as well as more of Fatimas character development, as we only saw a glimpse in the first couple of issues. Im actually surprised at how exciting this comic has been so far, and Im psyched to see what the next issue of this unconventional series brings. Read Full Review

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