Grendel Prime and Sigma-Seven's journey through the stars reaches its exciting conclusion as a broken warp drive sends them hurtling toward the farthest reaches of the universe. There, they will encounter a society that not only threatens the success of their mission to find a new home for humanity . . . but also its very reason to exist. Creators Matt Wagner and Brennan Wagner bring their metaphysical odyssey to a thrilling finale as Grendel Prime confronts a force the even he cannot overcome!
I've really enjoyed this series a lot overall simply because it connected me back with the Grendel property again after so long. Wagner has a lot of fun with two-part storylines across it in exploring worlds and how Prime would deal with it while searching for a new home for humanity. With the way this closes, it sets us up for a bigger understanding of the universe at large – a familiar one to science fiction fans – while also bringing us full circle to see what humanity has been up to after being left alone for so long. I'm thrilled that there is more Grendel coming because each series has me fearing that it's the one where Wagner will say that it's time to put it to rest. It's definitely well done and will be a great binge read for a lot of fans. Read Full Review
Wagner is still capable of preparing the bitterest of pills in an enjoyable fashion, precisely why Grendel remains relevant. Read Full Review