Separated from the rest of the BPRD, Hellboy finds himself in the company of a familiar enemy with a new weapon-and plans to test it out on Hellboy.
Hellboy continues to be a very fun property to reconnect with even though I'm staying at the fringes with the tales from the past and the shorter works like this as opposed to any of the ongoing material. Though this issue feels like it's a lot more exposition heavy than it needs to be I do like what it presents, Hellboy's rebuttal to a lot of it, and the ensuing action and his blase approach to it at the end. Roberson keeps it flowing pretty well, all things considered, and Stephen Green has some really fun action pieces to it while also coming up with some good visuals and layouts for the dialogue heavy sequences with our shackled Hellboy. Here's to more 1954 adventures! Read Full Review
Overall this was an enjoyable issue, with a strong start and finish, even if it sags a bit in the middle. Read Full Review