In 1956, somewhere in the mountains of West Virginia, Hellboy encounters Tom, a man who in his youth sold his soul to a backwoods demon known as the Crooked Man. Together they travel back into the dark heart of the Appalachian mountains to confront that demon and see if Tom's soul can't be saved.
This three-issue series reunites Mignola and legendary horror artist Richard Corben (Hellboy in Mexico, Hellboy: Makoma, Hellboy: Being Human) in a tale of witchcraft rooted in Appalachian folklore. Mignola and Corben team up for the first time since Makoma!
Award-winning artist Richard Corben returns to Hellboy!
As with most Hellboy series, I am looking forward to the next issue. The difference from recent series is that I'm not looking for it to reveal a major secret of Hellboy's past, but I'm "just" looking forward to another great story. Read Full Review
As is often the case with so many Hellboy comic, while there are some explosive action and spine-tingling monsters to be found, the real draw is the mood. Hellboy's down-to-earth demeanor makes it easy to accept his netherworldly nature among the human players in the drama. Mignola doesn't bother to explain how Hellboy arrived at this place at this moment. He allows his audience to simply accept that he's drawn to adventure, drawn to where he's needed. It's an accessible read, and while it seems like a fairly simple story at first, it ends up embracing faith and good will as vital components of not only the plot, but the human heart as well. Read Full Review
Mignola's atmospheric tale fits the eerie, rurality of the setting. Satan has come a calling. Witches, or if you prefer, Wise Women, abound. Some skin fits too loosely. Hellboy's here to bring sledge-hammer sanity and put an end to it all. The soul of one of the Appalachians seems to be the prize. Read Full Review