As the nameless stranger battles nightmares in a dream world on his hunt for his missing son-his life and his family's in the real world continue to fall apart in this chilling conclusion to this supernatural and melancholy tale.
I'm still not sure where this will all go in the end or how it'll get there but I am enjoying it, even if I have a tenuous grasp on parts of it. I like the concept and struggle with the execution, particularly with the characters. Things do feel like they're tensing up here in a lot of ways toward the bigger goal of it all and you can feel it moving in that direction well. But there's still something about it that's keeping me from feeling fully invested in it, and mostly it's the characters themselves. Mutti's visuals continue to make it a thoroughly engaging journey as I love the detail and color design to it all and that's a big plus in making this work as much as it does. Read Full Review
At last, Parasomnia begins to tie together the title's loose ends and answer the outstanding mysteries. Read Full Review
Ending as mysteriously as it began, Parasomnia #4 concludes this miniseries in intriguing fashion that feels less frustrating than prior issues and teases the possibility of more to come. Read Full Review