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Rex Mundi #1

Writer: Arvid Nelson Artist: Juan Ferreyra Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Murray Aug 31, 2006

    Another way to entice readers is to open up the comic to any page, so that they can see the wonderfully realistic artwork by Juan Ferreyra. I am a big fan of his artwork (Emissary, Small Gods), and I think he is the perfect choice for Rex Mundi, since this title stresses realism throughout. The expressions of every character are appropriate and add so much to the emotion of the story. Even the coloring is exceptional, as Ferreyra pays special attention to period-appropriate lighting and shading to further envelope the reader in this alternate world. Combined with Nelsons learned details (youve got to check out "Le Journal de la Liberte" at the back... I sound like a broken record!), this is a complete comic book that showcases two talented creators collaborating on a unique comic. Sure, some the details will probably elude the new readers, but those that stick with this issue will find an entertaining tale with lots of potential for the future. And, who know? You might not eve Read Full Review

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